Shakshat Virtual Lab
(Note : In the snapshots all the boxes with a green background designates inputs/measurements ,with a blue background designates virtual data and with a pink background desinates user's calculated data.)
It consisits of two parts - 1. Physical measurements (dimensions) 2.Chemical measurements (titration)
STEP 1 : Physical measurements are to be entered in the space provided.
STEP 2 : In this step virtually titration is carried for a case where benzoic acid is dissoved in 1.5 L of NaOH and titrated against .05 N HCL for 10 min.
STEP 3 : In this step virtually titration is carried for a case where benzoic acid is dissoved in 1.5 L of de - ionised water and titrated against .02 N NaOH for a longer duration.
STEP 4 : In this step we determine the average surface area and specific rate of dissolution . The final length and diameter of the cylinder is virtually displayed for the given user inputs in step 1.
STEP 5:In this step we determine the experimental ø value and the values for ø film & ø boundary are virtually displayed.
STEP 6:In this step the user's data are compared with the virtual data and accordingly the conclusion is made.