Shakshat Virtual Lab
(Note : In the snapshots all the boxes with a green background designates inputs/measurements ,with a blue background designates virtual data and with a pink background desinates user's calculated data.)
STEP 1 : In this step the user will be given values for diameters and densities.According to thah the user has to calculate the areas and enter the values in the boxes provided.
STEP 2 :In this step the user will be supplied with virtual data for temperature ,water levels and flow rate which he will require for further calculations.
STEP 3 :Here the user will have to enter his calculated values based on the virtual data and formulas provided.
STEP 4 :Here the user will have to enter his calculated values based on the virtual data provided.
STEP 5 :In this step the user will be provided with virtual data for temperature and enthalpy as shown in the snapshot below.
STEP 6 :Here the user will have to enter his calculated values based on the virtual data provided in the space shown in the snapshot.
STEP 7 :Here the user has to enter his calculated value for the tower Characteristic parameter
STEP 8 :This is a simple comparison step between the user's calculated data and the virtual data.
STEP 9 :This is the concluding step mentioning the marks the user gets on his performance.